Import imgicon from "./images/addAvatar. The solution I found is to use a firebase function that every time a user is created it reflects it in firestore. I'd like to see where I am going wrong, and any room for improvement. This is an antipattern and you should use firebase Auth instead of hard coding user/pass and let firebase take care of the auth part for you. If he/she is already signed in, then proceed to the dashboard, otherwise navigate back to the login page.

Sign in the user Sign out the user Also, I have added some code to check if the user is already signed in. For each document that contains any name, i'm creating it as. Firebase email password authentication error when i click submet these error are shown image with name is store in firbsase but the user are not stored in database please help me to resolve this check out my code if there is an error ` Sign up the user to firebase using email and password. Changing username in firebase Ask Question Asked 12 months ago Modified 12 months ago Viewed 95 times Part of Google Cloud Collective 0 i'm making a chat app using firebase.